
Do you desire the most lovely garden on the street? The Rise SA team have the ability to offer same-day service, presuming our schedule allows.

The staff at Rise SA can assist you with regular garden care and upkeep or a one-time garden clean-up. Just give them a call or make a booking online.

Give yourself back your weekends by leaving the gardening, weeding, pruning, mulching, and other tasks to the Rise SA crew. Let our expert crew handle your gardening professionally, quickly, and with the appropriate tools. Give yourself more time to enjoy your garden once again by relaxing in it rather than working on it.

Lawn Mowing

Leave the lawn-mowing specialists in charge of your yard. You can have confidence when you sign up for lawn mowing with Rise SA. The Rise SA team receive training and experience in properly maintaining and cutting varieties of grass. Additionally, our professionals have received training on how to use their equipment safely, lowering the possibility of an accident occurring on your site.

Our commercial grade mowers and other lawn mowing tools are of professional calibre. These have blades that are sharp and well-maintained and are set to give you the greatest cut possible for the type of grass you have.

Are you ready to reclaim your weekends with rising SA’s grass-cutting service? Book your appointment right away.


Your property’s trees, plants, and hedges are valuable assets that enhance the appeal and value of your home. But if they aren’t taken care of properly, several problems may develop that will cost you more money in the long run.

We are specialists in tree management and trimming, and we can assist you in pruning of the trees in your region before they cause problems.

At Rise SA, we recognise the significance of proper tree and hedge management and pruning.

We use the best procedures and approved ways for pruning your plants since we have a thorough understanding of the Standards for Pruning. Our services will ensure the longevity and general health of your flora.


Using Rise SA services is the simplest way to keep weeds away from taking over your lawn. At Rise SA, we are always available to offer our assistance for spraying.

If you want some additional help and advice on lawn weeds and how to control them, then the simplest solution is to let Rise SA look after it for you.


Our garden edging specialists know how crucial it is to maintain the harmony between your lawn and its surrounding garden; as a result, we make sure that every part of your landscape, whether it is a patio, flower border, tree, or shrub bed, is well-maintained and attractive to you and anyone who visits your property.

In addition to providing lawn mowing services, we also serve as your advisers and work extraordinarily hard to meet your gardening and mowing objectives. We love to collaborate with you to create a unique touch for your garden.

Pressure Cleaning

The professionals at Rise SA use top-of-the-line high-pressure cleaning equipment that can perform both home and commercial-grade cleaning tasks using high-pressure water. With a mobile operation that is entirely self-sufficient with a transportable water supply and our high-pressure cleaner we always provide excellent services in outlying areas.

Our staff are capable of taking on a variety of difficult tasks, including pressure cleaning parking lots, washing down business and residential structures, cleaning and sealing driveways, and removing burnouts and graffiti. Your surfaces will be completely cleaned by our high-pressure washing services.